Full-ceramic crowns and cerkon metal-free crowns
When the tooth surface is damaged by tooth decay or some another injuries we recommend repairing the damage. The best solution is full ceramic crown.
The untreated, damaged tooth can become a source of caries which spreads to deeper parts and to the root of the tooth. This is very often reason of rootcanal treatment.
The full-ceramic crown will help to replace the damaged part of the tooth with the most natural looking, aesthetic, precise, and safe complement. The most important is that, it looks just like a natural tooth and does not contain any metal.
The all-ceramic corwns are one of the best complements. The high standard of the completition is a result of using computers in each step of their design and manufacturing. This kind of restoration exhibits the same features like a natural tooth. atural tooth. Thanks to the high aesthetic value, the all-ceramic restorations are proposed to patients to reconstruct the dentition in the aesthetic zone. Cercon or cercon oxide is commonly called white gold because of its excellent properties and qualities.
All-ceramic crowns built on the base of zirconium oxide guarantee:
- Natural light permeability.
- Excellent aesthetic effects.
- Very high durability and stability.
- Perfect adaptation.
- No tissue irritation and no allergies.
- Low thermal conduction.
Thanks to the optical properties similar to the tooth tissues, all-ceramic materials have the added advantage:
- The possibility of the reproduction the game of the lights similar we can see in natural teeth!!!
- There is no gray discoloration of the gums which we can see under the crowns which are bulit on the base of metal.
Each tooth reconsrtuction PLATINIUM Clinic is consult with Digital Smile Design DCS .
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